Forecast: Mo, 01.07.2024, Turkey

Cities: 486 (486) Temp. Weather
Acıpayam 34°C  sunny
Adana 35°C  sunny
Adapazarı 33°C  sunny
Adilcevaz 26°C  showers and thunderstorms
Adıyaman 35°C  heavy showers and thunderstorms
Adıyaman Airport 35°C  heavy showers and thunderstorms
Afşin 29°C  mostly sunny
Afyonkarahisar 29°C  sunny
Afyonkarahisar 29°C  sunny
Ağrı 23°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms
Ahlat 26°C  showers and thunderstorms
Akçaabat 26°C  showers and thunderstorms
Akçakoca 32°C  sunny
Akçakoca 32°C  sunny
Akhisar 35°C  sunny

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