Forecast: Fr, 19.07.2024, Switzerland

Cities: 234 (234) Temp. Weather
Neuchâtel 28°C  sunny
Nyon 29°C  sunny
Oberägeri 26°C  mostly sunny
Obergösgen 29°C  mostly sunny
Oberhalbstein 21°C  sunny
Oberiberg 24°C  mostly sunny
Oberriet 28°C  light rain
Olten 29°C  mostly sunny
Opfikon 28°C  mostly sunny
Oron 26°C  mostly sunny
Payerne 29°C  mostly sunny
Pilatus 17°C  showers and thunderstorms
Piz Corvatsch 9°C  mostly sunny
Piz Martegnas 16°C  mostly sunny
Pizol 25°C  isolated showers and thunderstorms

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